Designing for the World‘s Largest Canvas

Even during these months of the Pandemic, it’s striking to see the number of tourists lingering in Times Square, Instagramming, and TikToking their time away. What draws people to Times Square? Times Square is like a magnet where tourists flock in the thousands (174 million tourists annually in pre-pandemic times) as if hypnotized by the… Continue reading Designing for the World‘s Largest Canvas

AirTerra Launches Innovative New Logistics Service

AirTerra, an innovative new logistics company, and 360DESIGN client launched its service to a full domestic market on July 20th, 2021 with a website that is just as fresh as the service AirTerra provides.  Combining the experience of several long-time industry experts, who have contributed to technological and logistic advances in shipping for the past… Continue reading AirTerra Launches Innovative New Logistics Service